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In Hindsight

They did not teach themselves, they taught their children,
Then wondered why it was they couldn't learn.
They did not gather kindling for the winter,
Then wondered why the fire wouldn't burn.

They did not feed their love, they fed the starving,
Then wondered why it was they couldn't feel.
And when they did not let the sunlight warm them,
They wondered why their passion wasn't real.

They did not share their lives, they shared possessions,
Then wondered why it was they lived alone.
They did not hear the truth when it was spoken,
Then wondered why it was they hadn't known.

They did not see the sky, they didn't have to,
Everybody knows the sky is blue.
They did not understand, they didn't need to,
As long as they believed in what was true.

They did not make the most of what was offered,
Then wondered why they hadn't gotten more.
They would not step beyond the bounds of reason,
Then wondered what their lives had all been for...

Wayfarer International, Copyright © John & Melody Anderson, 1997 - 2002. All rights reserved.

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