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![]() Wayfarer is not a label for an individual who follows some kind of dogma, philosophy, religion or the name of a cult. A wayfarer is anyone who has a desire to make more of his or her life and to become more as an individual, with a sincere preparedness to approach this process with honesty, with openness and with courage, from the perspective of personal responsibility. Any person who acknowledges this desire for more, who does so wholeheartedly and who applies themselves to this objective, within the practical context of daily life, will come to recognize for themselves the same fundamental truths as anyone else who embraces this very practical method of spirituality.
A Sense of Purpose (June 1997) Living with an acceptance of personal responsibility is fundamental to life as a wayfarer. Yet times of not taking personal responsibility can be extremely important to the process that propels the wayfarer along the way and helps to determines direction. The Wayfarer's Choice (May 1997) The diversity and rate of change in the modern world make this perhaps the most interesting time in world history. This, plus almost instant access to world events as they unfold, offer particularly unique opportunities to the wayfarer... A Sense of Purpose (June 1997) Living with an acceptance of personal responsibility is fundamental to life as a wayfarer. Yet times of not taking personal responsibility can be extremely important to the process that propels the wayfarer along the way and helps to determines direction. Every article we’ve ever written has a mention of or an implication of personal responsibility. And that’s because you can’t separate living the way and personal responsibility. Traveling the way, living a life of more, living a great life, however you wish to express it, can only be done if personal responsibility is something you also live by. Not that one can live by personal responsibility one hundred percent of the time, it’s not really possible, in fact lapses have their purpose. A most important point is that when confronted by a challenge you are able usually after some sort of process to eventually take responsibility for it. If you don’t the challenge will never be met, the obstacle will not be overcome and all personal progress will cease. If there is just one issue in your life that you refuse to take responsibility for, you will come up against it over and over again, until eventually you either take responsibility for it or give up on a life of traveling the way, although the illusion of a progression may well linger. For us, this taking of personal responsibility is the most difficult issue in our lives and always seems present whenever there’s a challenge to face. We now know that when personal responsibility is arrived at, the battle is over and the rest of the task is easy. It almost seems then that deciding to take personal responsibility defines the only real issues in life. This process of coming up against an issue of not-personal-responsibility, perhaps resisting taking personal responsibility for it and of then taking personal responsibility is the very method by which we become stronger. And this process repeated over and over many times through life represents genuine personal progress and indeed, traveling the way. Another great benefit of living life this way is the sense of purpose it gives. Every situation is there for a purpose, your purpose. Not only this but everything that happens in the world also has a purpose, a purpose for the individuals directly concerned, a purpose for us and all others who observe, say through the media, and with many events a purpose for mankind as a whole. It’s a great way to live. Wayfarer International, Copyright © John & Melody Anderson, 1997 - 1999. All rights reserved. ![]() The Wayfarer's Choice (May 1997) The diversity and rate of change in the modern world make this perhaps the most interesting time in world history. This, plus almost instant access to world events as they unfold, offer particularly unique opportunities to the wayfarer... For the wayfarer, the world is a treasure trove of intriguing events and interesting people. Everything has meaning, nothing is insignificant. Because of the rise of technology we’re able to take an interest in the world and local events in ways never dreamed possible only decades ago and we’re able to see and hear about them even as they happen. The advances being made at this time are like no other and because of this, the lives of people are changing in ways never witnessed before in the history of mankind – at least not to our knowledge. Our relationship with the world and with others is influenced by what happens on a global scale and even for those who resist this fact it remains a reality. The modern wayfarer has the potential now to become truly international and to allow this experience of the world to enhance his or her quality of life. The advantage of living in our times is not only in terms of technology and what it enables us to do, nor is it only in the fact that life holds more options and interest. The volume of information and our exposure to this information is so great that everywhere we go we have the chance to be stimulated by the new and inspired by it. The impact that these changes are having on the lives of people is both startling and fascinating. Even so-called tragedies can be filled with opportunities for realization and learning. We don’t for a moment advise anyone to become a dispassionate observer of life, for the potential to develop compassion is also greater in our world today. However, the more we are able to be a part of what we see, through being open to it, the more we can learn from others and apply it to our own lives toward the greater enhancement of our own abilities. One could argue that our times also present more opportunity for individuals to isolate themselves than at any other time in history. With the right equipment and knowledge it is now possible to live, work and shop without ever having to leave home. This identifies the true challenge of living in these times. Life can become something expansive and growing, something stimulating and new, we can choose to experience life in a way unique to this century. Or we can live a more isolated solitary life and live it with a good deal more justification and freedom to do so than at any other time known to us. The choice is clearly evident; it is for us all to decide and to decide not once, but to keep making that decision over and over again. Wayfarer International, Copyright © John & Melody Anderson, 1997 - 2002. All rights reserved.